Reservoir Monitoring & Analysis
Reservoir Monitoring
Technological advancements in the oil and gas industry is evolving towards a more cost efficient data management sector.
Data Management is an ideal now, and the ability to have downhole sensors with good resolution is key to modern day reservoir management. Such a situation would allow reservoir management decisions to be more proactive than reactive.
As forecasting experts, why not be more efficient, get downhole readings of pressure measurements for accurate downhole pressure & temperature monitoring. Know the actuals that lead to a more accurate prediction and position the reservoir development plan accurately.
Rhino Production Solutions in partnership with our vendors produce and market DownHole(DH) wireless gauges that could be installed on both natural and artificial lifted wells. The greatest advantage of “wireless “is no downhole instrumentation cable is required.
Installing these wireless gauges, allow Real Time (RT) feed of pressure and temperature data, and create a more interactive environment towards:- reservoir monitoring, Pressure Transient Analysis(Build-up, Falloff, Step rate test) and overall development strategy.
- Downhole Wireless gauges
- Customized user interface dashboard for Reservoir Monitoring (Includes Horner plots, Buildup derivatives etc)
Reservoir Analysis
Delivering Field and Reservoir modelling
Using cutting edge technology and workflows, we deliver tailored dynamic models to match the exact performance of different integrated reservoirs.
Our consultant team understand perfectly the art of analytic to numerical modelling and can integrate risk and uncertainty mitigation into your reservoir developments strategies, or annual development plans enabling your firm to understand the probability of achieving set operational and production targets as well as possible future outcome
- History Matching of Material Balance models, Proxy Analytic Models(PAM) to drive production forecasting
- Developing Well/Field optimization strategies
- Integrated asset modelling (IAM) studies oil & gas fields, using MBAL, GAP, PROSPER, ECLIPSE- PIPESIM, integrated with HYSYS or UNISIM to capture the holistic performance of the field and offer better future solutions. As a matter of fact this is one of our greatest strengths
+356 27761460